Ants (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Lower Volga Region (Russia)
Download geodata for Messor kasakorum:
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Interactive map of records of Messor kasakorum in the Lower Volga Region:
black dots - literature references, green dots - specimens in collection(s), yellow dots - observations
Messor kasakorum Arnol'di, 1970
General description: Rarely occurs on salt marshes in the southern part of the Lower Volga Region. The nominative subspecies is described (Arnol'di, 1970) from Central and Northern Kazakhstan, the M. kasakorum nadezhdae Arnol'di, 1970 subspecies - by a series of workers from Zhanibek (Zhanibek District, West Kazakhstan Region of Kazakhstan, 25 km north of Lake Elton in Pallasovsky District, Volgograd Region), and one male from Astrakhan’. The differences in the subspecies indicated in the description are very unclear: “In all the main features coincide with the above-described nominal form, the sculpture of the head is slightly stronger. It is well distinguished by the abundant and long protruding hairs of the scapus and tibia.” (in Russian: “Во всех основных признаках совпадает с вышеописанной номинативной формой, скульптура головы несколько сильнее. Хорошо отличим по обильным и длинным оттопыренным волоскам скапуса и голеней.”) (p. 83). The impossibility to compare some numerous series of specimens from different parts of the species area does not allow to validate or invalidate the subspecies described by Arnol’di. Therefore, the species is listed here without the subspecies epithet.

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